- Starter Kits
- Essential Oils 101
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- Starter Kits
- Essential Oils 101
- Starter Kits
- Essential Oils 101
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- Starter Kits
- Essential Oils 101
Life Coaching
Let's uncover what's not serving you
and be unleashed!!
Are you a leader in your life that's looking to achieve optimum health and wellness in the most natural and functional way?
I had no idea what this even looked like when someone asked me this question
BUT, I said, YES!!! "I want that"
I found myself asking, what's going on? What's this thing people are talking about, natural solutions?
I began to wonder....
So the question becomes,
Is your vision of what you see about your health distorted?
Are you looking through a muddy window?
well.....let me share with you,
There's a process to cleaning this up
Let me untwist your view so that you can experience what natural solutions can offer you.
Have you ever experience times where you don't know who you are or how you are supposed to be? That was me. Born into Eastern Culture, living in America. I was entrenched with the teachings of Western ways but in the home, complete opposite way of living. The food, the language and traditions, very different.
I was always trying to "fit in" I started school not speaking English and no one and I mean no one could understand me and I, could not understand them. I ran the story in my head and I told myself that "I'm different and no one understands me, I'm not good enough, I'm different and I don't fit in".
I just wanted to be liked and included. How can this happen when EVERYTHING was nothing like the other kids in my class? Even my lunchbox looked different. My lunchbox didn't have peanut butter sandwich with chips and chocolate milk! Why did I have to have little containers of soup with vegetables and rice?!!!
I just want to be like all the other kids with a normal lunch box.
I mean c'mon, I do live in America right?
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Please note - The statements found throughout this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.